创意、材质与工艺在此交织成篇。在托斯卡纳的心脏地带,GIOVANNI RASPINI 乔瓦尼孕育出一片艺术与工艺的圣地。这里,工匠们怀着对艺术的热忱,秉持奉献精神,精心雕琢每一件珠宝。半个世纪的沉淀,Giovanni Raspini 将源源不断的创意灵感转化为珍贵的手工艺杰作。
身为建筑师与设计师,Giovanni Raspini 赋予品牌独特的风格与深厚的底蕴。在他的设计理念中,经典设计与现代元素交融共生,目光始终前瞻未来。
Giovanni Raspini is committed to re-designing beauty. For a long time, the company has been focusing on the impact of its operations and how to curb it. From policies targeting environmental impact reduction, initiatives in favour of our local area, heritage, and communities, to how we select our raw materials and foster the professional development of our workforce – we are proudly embarking on a journey to a better future.
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